Matthew Lazen

Assistant Dean for Studies
Office Phone

Welcome to the friendliest college at Princeton (in my humble opinion), where I have been assistant dean since 2005. I received my B.A. in comparative literature at Columbia followed by a Ph.D. from the Literature Program at Duke, where I studied French and Francophone literature, film, globalization, and critical theory and wrote my dissertation on contemporary French regionalism and ethnic identity. I then taught for several years in the History and Literature program at Harvard, covering the cultural and social history of not only France, but also Germany, Britain, and America.  I returned to the classroom in spring 2010 to teach a seminar called "Violence and Moving Images: Politics, Aesthetics, Spectatorship," and I precepted AMS 240: Introduction to American Popular Culture in Spring 2021.  In 2016, I finished a second doctorate, this time an Ed.D. in Higher and Postsecondary Education at NYU. 

In my free time, I like to follow the news, work out (when I can), watch current tv or films, and follow basketball (Go Duke!).  I also head in to New York frequently to see art, music, dance, and theater or just explore different neighborhoods. 

I can be found at Butler at all hours and keep ample office hours, which can be booked at any time at  I encourage you all to reach out whenever you have a question or just want to chat!