Hello! My name is Kyle and I'm originally from the LA area. I am studying ORFE and am hoping to get a certificate in East Asian Studies. On campus I'm part of the Butler College Council and the Princeton University Mentoring Program. In my free time, you might find me watching soccer, playing FIFA or playing chess. I am excited to be a PAA and to support the academic transition of our first-years and pass on important advice from those before me.
Operations Research and Financial Engineering
What's a favorite memory from your first year at Princeton?
My favorite memory from Princeton was bonding over late night conversations with my friends and roommates during orientation
What's a Princeton class that has shaped the way you think and why?
ORF309 was one of best class I've taken at Princeton, not just because its a core requirement, but also because it teaches you a structure of thinking that helps you breakdown complex probability problems. Not to mention, Professor Ramon is a great lecturer and will always keep you engaged
What's your favorite place to study on campus?
EGR Library