Dr. Lazen's Drop-In Hours to Discuss Dean's Date Work

May 9, 2023

Dear Butler First Years and Sophomores!

I hope that your final assignments are going well!  You are getting close to the finish line and soon will have a relaxing break. 

I want to remind you that your instructors may grant a short extension (of up to 24 hours) for compelling circumstances without additional approval from me or Dean Andrews.  Please contact me (preferably by 5:00) if you feel you need a longer extension or simply want to discuss your deadlines or circumstances with me.  I am holding drop-in hours today from 3:00 to 5:00


Dr. Lazen


Matthew Lazen, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean for Studies

Butler College

Princeton University

1976 Hall D028


Appts: https://calendly.com/mlazenprinceton/advising-appointments

Reception: 609-258-3474

Office: 609-258-7140