Dear Butler First Years and Sophomores,
I hope your second week of classes is going very well! I’m writing to remind you about the drop/add deadline and to offer you a few quick words of academic advice.
The Add/Drop/Swap deadline is Monday, September 16th at 11:59 pm.
You may add, drop, or swap courses up until 9/16 at 11:59p, but remember that you should do so only in conversation with your academic adviser or me.
After September 16th, you still will be able to drop a class up to the end of the 9th week of the term, but you will no longer be able to add (or swap) any class.
Remember that your PAAs are another great resource for questions about course selection and planning.
A.B. students: what's your plan for fulfilling the language requirement?
If you didn’t place out of the language requirement, you should be enrolled in a language course. If you’re not sure about your plan, make an appointment with me to discuss.
For students in math classes and language classes: how are you feeling about your placement?
If you are concerned that you have enrolled in a math or language course that is at an inappropriately high level, you still have time to move to a more suitable course. Please consult with your instructor, your academic adviser, or me if you have such misgivings.
Wondering how to get help in your classes now that things are starting to pick up?
Go to your professor's or preceptor’s office hours, and check out Mcgraw Group Study Halls; they support students in introductory courses in math, science, computer science, statistics, and economics.
McGraw Individual tutoring appointments become available for online booking this Friday, 9/13 (with appointments beginning on Sunday, 9/15).
Uphold academic integrity, and leave yourself enough time to proofread your assignments before handing them in.
Make sure you carefully follow instructions concerning proper citation and academic integrity. If you have questions about what your instructor expects on an assignment, or about how you should cite a source, you should always ask before you submit the assignment for a grade.
Do reach out if you have any questions! You can schedule an appointment with me here.
All the best,
Dr. Lazen
Matthew Lazen, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean for Studies
Butler College
Princeton University
1976 Hall D028
Make an appointment with Dr. Lazen.
Reception: 609-258-3474
Office: 609-258-7140