
Our Faculty Fellows are an integral part of the Butler College community, providing opportunities for students to connect with Princeton faculty outside of the classroom. You'll often see Faculty Fellows enjoying meals in the dining hall, or other informal settings such as receptions following lectures or special events. Fellows are also invited to share their research or other areas of interest in informal workshops or conversations at the college.

Faculty Fellows

Name                                              Department                                    Email
Brittany AdamsonMOL[email protected]
Byron AhnLIN[email protected]
Elena AraozLewis Center[email protected]
Ruha BenjaminAAS[email protected]
Benjamin BradlowSPIA[email protected]
Mark BrynildsenCBE[email protected]
Eduardo CadavaENG[email protected]
Michael CeliaCEE[email protected]
Miguel CentenoSOC[email protected]
Flora ChampyFIT[email protected]
Jane CoxLewis Center[email protected]
Jill DolanENG[email protected]
Alec DunHIS[email protected]
Harriet FlowerCLA[email protected]
Joseph FronczakHIS[email protected]
Yasaman GhasempourECE[email protected]
Katja GuentherHIS[email protected]
Judith HameraLewis Center[email protected]
Michael HechtCHM[email protected]
John IkenberrySPIA[email protected]
Jennifer JohnsonMAT[email protected]
Laura KalinLIN[email protected]
Sanjeev KulkarniGrad[email protected]
Daniel NottermanMOL[email protected]
Jeff NunokawaENG[email protected]
Ayah NuriddinHUM[email protected]
Catherine PenaNEU[email protected]
Seth PerryREL[email protected]
Medhin PaolosLewis Center[email protected]
James RaymoSOC[email protected]
J. Nicole SheltonPSY[email protected]
David StirkAMS[email protected]
Michael StraussAST[email protected]
Jason TreutingMUS[email protected]
Aynsley VandenbrouckeLewis Center[email protected]
Aniruddhan VasudevanANT[email protected]
Jeffrey WhetstoneLewis Center[email protected]
Leeat YarivECO[email protected]


Faculty Advisers

Name                                             Department                                    Email
Rebecca D. BurdineMOL[email protected]
Margot CanadayHIS[email protected]
Matias CattaneoORF[email protected]
Nicola CooneySPA[email protected]
Alex DavisWRI[email protected]
Curtis DeutschGEO[email protected]
Matias IaryczowerPOL[email protected]
Alan KaplanCOS[email protected]
Shamus KhanSOC[email protected]
Ryan KingsburyCEE[email protected]
Fenna KrienenNEU[email protected]
Ai Ing LimMOL[email protected]
Michael LittmanMAE[email protected]
Christopher MorettiCS[email protected]
Kelly NoonanECO[email protected]
Chika Okeke-AguluAAS/ARC[email protected]
Jason PuchallaPHY[email protected]
Michael ReynoldsNES[email protected]
Mona SinghCOS[email protected]


Staff Fellows

Paula AleksonMcCarter Theatre[email protected]
Elizabeth BadgerFinancial Aid[email protected]
Alison BodenReligious Life[email protected]
Vicky BozarthPSAFE[email protected]
Brian BurgherODOC RC SCAD[email protected]
Rochelle CalhounOffice of the Vice President[email protected]
Katie Callow-WrightOffice of the Executive Vice President[email protected]
Anne CaswellODOC[email protected]
Kate CoppolaCareer Services[email protected]
Thomas CorcoranFacilities[email protected]
Kimberly de los SantosPACE[email protected]
Ian DeasODUS[email protected]
Kathleen DeignanODOC[email protected]
Jessica Del VecchioMcGraw Center[email protected]
Amanda El-KadiOffice of International Programs[email protected]
Mona FixdalMcGraw[email protected]
Mohamed FlitesHRES[email protected]
Claire FowlerODOC[email protected]
Gisella GisoloStudy Abroad[email protected]
Khristina GonzalezODOC[email protected]
Kenneth GraysonElectrical shop[email protected]
Sara HowardLibrary[email protected]
Chad KlausOffice of the Vice President[email protected]
Ashley JaffeeProgram in Teacher Preparation[email protected]
John KolligianUHS[email protected]
Karl KusserowART[email protected]
Anne LauritaUHS[email protected]
John LuriaODOC[email protected]
Tracy MansourHRES[email protected]
Jordan MosesODOC[email protected]
Maggie MuradEHS[email protected]
Eric MyersOffice of International Programs[email protected]
Sarah RasmussenMcCarter Theatre[email protected]
Karen RichardsonAdmissions[email protected]
Aaron ShkudaArchitecture[email protected]
Cecily SwansonODOC[email protected]
Donna TatroOIT[email protected]
Mellisa ThompsonODUS[email protected]

Community Fellows

Peggy Wreen
Amy Campbell
Sameer Khan
Mutemwa Masheke