Academic Resources

You came to Princeton because you're smart, and you strive to be the best you can be and learn as much as you can.  But let's face it, Princeton courses are rigorous, and it’s normal to find them difficult.  Fortunately, there are many resources available at Princeton to help you master material and develop your skills, just as professional athletes and performers work with coaches and trainers.  However, it’s up to you to take advantage of them without waiting until you feel behind! 
Your first sources of assistance are your classmates and instructors. You can reach out to classmates to form study groups early in the semester.  If you don't know anyone to ask, the McGraw study group tool will help you find classmates who are also seeking study partners. 
In addition, your professors and preceptors are often your best source of guidance when you are having difficulties with any material in their classes!  They know the course materials and expectations better than anyone, and they are there to help you.  So, don’t hesitate to visit them during office hours.  Office hours are often underutilized – much to the regret of instructors, who are in the teaching profession because they enjoy talking to you and helping you out!  For some classes, office hours may, to the contrary, be mobbed right before each problem set is due, but if you go on any other day, you will be able to get more individual attention.
The McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning schedules workshops and individual consultations on expert academic strategies and course-based review sessions, study halls, and individual tutoring in many subjects.  Like office hours, study halls can be bustling the night before the problem set is due, but if there is another one that week, it will be significantly less crowded.  For peer tutoring, appointments are posted online on Friday for the coming week, so that is the best time to book an appointment. 
The Writing Center offers appointments to help you with writing at any stage of the process and in any course.  Additionally, the Office of Undergraduate Research lists resources to help you with your independent work and other research.  
Finally, Dean Andrews and Dr. Lazen may be able to match you with peer tutors in introductory courses not covered by the McGraw Center.  They are also a source of many helpful tips and insights themselves!