Prof Rubenstein’s research often takes him to Kenya where he studies the behavior and ecology of zebras, both the common plains zebra and the endangered Grevy’s zebra. His research team focuses on why the different zebra species show different susceptibilities to parasites. They are testing hypotheses as to why zebras are striped and are evaluating different livestock grazing strategies for profitability—improving pastoral and commercial ranching livelihoods—as well as improving rangeland health and wildlife sustainability. This fall Professor Rubenstein is teaching introductory biology (EEB 211) and designing a new spring course for Environmental Studies and EEB entitled ‘Human Diets, Agriculture and the Environment’. In the spring he also will be teaching the ‘Natural History of Mammals’ (EEB 404) in the Kenya Field Semester which is based at the Mpala Research Center in central Kenya. In his free time, Professor Rubenstein likes to hike, bike, run, listen to music and play with his grandkids.